
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Corran Addison showing his new Inflatable SUP at Surf Expo

This is another video from the Surf Expo in Orlando, Sept. 2012.

There were lot's of new inflatable models on display at the show.  In this video, Corran Addison shows his latest creation, probably the most elaborate and innovative inflatables on the market.  The "combat" model features an "exoskeleton" batten stiffening system and innovative two part deck with lowered standing area.  Corran talks about it while demonstrating it in the SUP demo pool.  I shot some more video of him talking about the rest of his line later but unfortunately the battery on the microphone was running low and the sound was terrible, so I could not use any of the footage I shot later that day, bummer.

Robert Stehlik

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