
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The 2011 Molokai SUP race video and interviews by Robert Stehlik

I put together this 15 minute video about my experience and a recap of the 2011 Molokai to Oahu Paddleboard race.
There are some short excerpts of the three interviews I taped the evening before the race, to watch the full interviews, click on the links.  Featuring: Brian Szymanski, Jeff Denholm, and Gerry Lopez.

Robert Stehlik reporting live from the Molokai to Oahu race 2011.

I had the chance to catch up with the man behind the super fast Starboards race SUP's, Brian Szymanski on the evening before the Molokai to Oahu race on July 30, 2011. He talks about his shapes, downwind racing, and the Molokai race- good stuff!

Jeff Denholm is an inspiration, doing the Molokai race solo for the third time with a prosthetic arm paddle- very impressive, thanks Jeff!

Click this link for the Gerry Lopez interview post

Link to the complete Molokai race results

Link to a good article on muscle cramping

Aloha, Robert Stehlik


  1. Excellent videos Rob! I was eager to see how the time lapse turned out...nice! Thanks for posting.

  2. Awesome stuff,Robert. Truly appreciate these vids!!


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