
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

SUP downwinder Hawaii Kai run tips for the BOP distance race

With the BOP coming up next weekend, I thought it would be a good time to post some tips for the Hawaii Kai run.  This is the fist part of a series of downwind paddling tips and videos.  Many thanks to Morgan Hoesterey for filming and editing this clip, with more downwind tips to come soon.

Note: These tips are based on predominant tradewind conditions.  It looks like the wind will be light for the race on Sunday, which makes it less of a factor.

Hawaii Kai to Waikiki SUP racing tips for the Battle of the Paddle distance race from Robert Stehlik. Filmed and edited by Morgan Hoesterey. Brought to you by Blue Planet Surf

Some helpful links for the Hawaii Kai distance race:
Wind forecast:
Current wind conditions:
Tide chart:

Here are some google earth images of the race course (click on image to enlarge)

The whole course

 The start to blinker bouy:
 Line to Black Point:
 Around Diamond Head:
 Turning in at the Lighthouse:

 Going into Waikiki:

I won't be able to race this weekend but wish everyone a safe and fun race!
Aloha,  Robert Stehlik

For more videos with downwind tips: Blue Planet Downwind Clinic

Robert Stehlik


  1. I've never seen the run like this... thanks for the pics. And I'm bummed that I won't see you racing. It's been a long time since we've paddled together.

  2. Hi Darin,
    Thanks for the comment. Let's paddle soon.


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